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Game Design Documemt


Week 1-4

Brainstorming about the game type

Discuss the platform: Unity

Learn and get familiar with the platform

Collect assets and resources (sounds, background, character, puzzle…)

Puzzle prototype designed

Week 5-6

Create placeholder for game title screen

Work on scene change animation

Implemented map of 1st floor in Unity

Start working on character dialogues and inventory system

Puzzle 1 finished

Week 7-8

Implement multiple scenes as the first floor 

Dialogue system and inventory system in progress

Start menu in progress

Puzzle 2 finished before midterm presentation

Week 9-12

Implement all scenes in three floors

Create Introduction movie and subtitle 

Complete Dialogue system 

Puzzle 3 finished and discarded one previously designed puzzle

Monster system start

Week 13-15

Finish 3rd  puzzle and polished first two puzzles

Short video introducing puzzles made for players to understand how to solve the puzzle

Deploy Monster system 

Create ending story movie 

Enhance the story line (all the items interaction)

Improve the player location

Fix bug and run final test

Finish website and final demo video

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